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NSI Energy

Precisely because we understand that there is no future without sustainability. NSI Group created NSI Energy. A company that, in addition to providing renewable energy generation solutions, has developed solutions for the decarbonization of urban fleets, and energy generation using solid waste in order to reduce the emission of greenhouse gases in large centers.


NSI Energy. It is in the photovoltaic energy market, with projects throughout the national territory. In addition, it has social energy projects, where it collaborates with 7 OD's of the UN. Improving the quality of life of more than 4 million Brazilians.


Garbage is a major global problem, whether it is part of developed countries or not. NSI Energy has created a possible solution to help control these large dumps in the world. Make energy from them. Transforming organic matter into clean and more accessible energy for the population.


Another major global challenge is the control of carbon dioxide emitted by combustion vehicles. Even with the arrival of electric vehicles, this transition will take decades. Therefore, NSI Energy created a system to decarbonize existing vehicles. The system created by NSI Energy manages to reduce pollutant emissions by up to 99%.

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