More than a trader, NSI Energy Trader promotes development. Overcome obstacles that harm the future and shed light on tomorrow. It brings hope and energy to people, companies and the planet. More than a trader, NSI Energy Trader connects sustainability to performance, economy to innovation. After all, through NSI Energy Trader, you have all the conditions to develop your business, your city and your country, creating a better future for everyone.

NSI Energy Trader sells the energy generated by NSI Energy, offering the best commercial conditions for obtaining clean and sustainable energy for industries, companies and homes.

Through NSI Energy Trader, you can purchase various clean energy solutions for your business, helping your company meet important Scope 3 targets and several UN SDGs.

NSI Energy Trader, in addition to selling various forms of clean energy, also offers Social Energy through the Semear project. This energy makes a big difference in the lives of 4 million small rural producers in Brazil, generating quality of life and providing a better future perspective for rural people.